Organ-on-a-chipThe organ-on-a-chip is a miniature system that mimics the human body environment. The goal of organ-on-a-chip is to develop human tissue models for disease modeling and drug testing. They use microfluidics, along with cells, to imitate the physiological and mechanical conditions in the body. They can control the movement and behavior of materials and cells by using membranes, chambers, channels, etc

Organ-on-a-chip do not only have the advantages of miniaturization, integration and low consumption, but also enables researchers to precisely control multiple parameters of the system, such as chemical concentration gradient, fluid shear stress, cell patterning, tissue-tissue interface, organ-organ interaction and so on. They aim at mimicking the complex structure, microenvironment and physiological functions of human organs.

Organ-on-a-chip is expected to have a significant impact on improving the predictability of drug screening models and personalized medicine. Organ-on-a-chip technology supports these research areas by providing an environment that mimics the physiology and morphology of the body better than traditional cell culture methods. By combining technologies from the semiconductor and molecular biology industries, large-scale production of organ-on-a-chip becomes possible.

OrganoLab's work focuses on developing specific human disease models and leveraging our organ-on-a-chip platform to identify new therapeutics and clinical biomarkers, promote drug development, and develop novel drug delivery systems. In addition, OrganoLab researchers are exploring the potential of the technology for personalized medicine by engineering human stem cells that can be differentiated into specialized cell types on chips.

Why choose OrganoLab's organ-on-a-chip solutions?

Our organ-on-a-chip solutions provide innovative methods for culturing cells and tissues, while offering precise and continuous control during the entire culturing process. There are several chip designs that can be used for organ-on-a-chip experiments, depending on the type of organs that scientists would like to mimic and the experimental protocols.

  • Robust technology
  • Compact system
  • Stable flow-rate and pressure
  • Fast response times

Our services utilize our organ-on-a-chip technology to deliver decision-worthy insights. Our experienced service team is ready to design and execute studies with your desired endpoints in mind. Contact us for more information.

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About Us

OrganoLab, now a new branch, is keen to develop organoid models for disease research. Our experienced scientists are working hard to release the full potential of organoids. Many different types of organoid models, such as normal organoid models, tumor organoid models, and organs-on-a-chip, can be used for drug screening or toxicology study. Our expertise in establishing flexible and advanced organoid models will meet the needs of every customer.