Focusing on
Organoids and Organ-Chips


Organoids follow intrinsic developmental procedures and develop from self-organized stem cells to reproduce the key structural and functional characteristics of their in vivo counterparts. The similarities of organoids to actual organs make them more attractive for target identification and verification early in drug development.


Organ-on-a-chip technology relies on our understanding of human organs to construct man-made structures in which cells and their microenvironment are precisely controlled. Due to better reproducibility and controllability, organ-on-a-chip are more suitable for efficacy and safety screening.


About Us

OrganoLab, now a new branch, is keen to develop organoid models for disease research. Our experienced scientists are working hard to release the full potential of organoids. Many different types of organoid models, such as normal organoid models, tumor organoid models, and organs-on-a-chip, can be used for drug screening or toxicology study. Our expertise in establishing flexible and advanced organoid models will meet the needs of every customer.